Welcoming an international student into your home is a rewarding experience that also comes with the important responsibility of helping them adapt to a new and independent way of life. For many students, this is their first time living away from home and navigating the challenges of independence. At FCI, we understand that this transition […]
Tips for Managing Homesickness and Cultural Adjustment Stress
It’s normal for international students to miss their friends and family, especially during times like the holidays when these feelings can intensify. Some may experience greater challenges with homesickness or acculturation stress. These emotions are a natural part of the adaptation journey. When both students and families acknowledge and understand these feelings, it becomes easier […]
International Students Honor Canadian Veterans
(NORTH VANCOUVER, BC) On a cold, post-Remembrance Day Saturday afternoon, a group of international students, led by First Choice International (FCI), braved the rain and honoured Canada’s veterans by cleaning Victoria Park. In collaboration with Ocean Wise, the student volunteer group collected close to 10 kilograms of litter from the park and its surrounding areas. […]
Communicating with Your International Student: A Guide to Resolving Issues
Welcoming a student from another country into your home brings new routines and perspectives, and while these differences can sometimes present challenges, they also offer valuable chances to learn, develop trust, and cultivate mutual respect. Embracing open and constructive communication will be key to addressing any issues that arise and creating a warm, inclusive environment. […]