Welcome Prospective Hosts!
We are always looking for warm and caring host families, whose primary language is English, and who have extra room for an international student or visitor.
Our students request homestays because they want to learn about Canadian culture and practice their English in the world’s greatest classroom, your home.
You will not only give a student the chance to experience daily life in Canada, but you will also provide yourself and your family with an opportunity to learn about another culture without having to leave your home.
Students and hosts are often able to create lasting bonds that continue long after the student returns to their home country.
The best homestay experiences don’t just happen.
We arrange interviews with prospective host families and careful pre-screen our families to ensure that both the student and the homestay family enjoy a meaningful experience.
By liaising between the student, homestay family and our international agents we offer critical cultural understanding, counseling, and conflict resolution to assist the student and the Canadian host family.
No matter how carefully a host family plans for a guest within their home unexpected emergencies can occur. We are available 24 hours each day to assist with alternative planning.